Integrating Prefinery with Other Apps

You can connect Prefinery with any 3rd-party platform using our native Zapier integration to send to or receive data from your campaign.

Other integration tools like Make, Pabbly Connect, Integrately and Sync Spider - virtually any software that can receive and process data sent via webhooks - allows you to send data from your campaign to other apps as well. 

Here are a few examples on what integrating with Prefinery can do: 

  • When a new user joins my Prefinery campaign, automatically add them as a subscriber in MailChimp (or your favorite email marketing tool) so they can receive my monthly newsletters. 
  • When a user makes a referral, earns a reward and Prefinery automatically marks it as delivered, automatically send them a gift card via Tango Card. 
  • When a referred user makes a purchase in my Shopify store, automatically tell Prefinery to credit the referral towards a reward for that user's referrer. 

Prefinery also supports running your own or a 3rd-party script like that of Segment when our form is submitted by the user, as well as offer native/built-in integration with other services.


Zapier is a pioneer of no-code automation and arguably one of, if not the most, popular integration tools out there. 

Zapier is your most flexible option when it comes to integrating anything with Prefinery due native integration support and the ability to send data from and to your campaign. You can also create your own custom actions (send data to your Prefinery campaign) using the Prefinery API

  • Zap: What your Zapier integration is called. 
  • Steps: The parts of a zap. 
  • Trigger step: Contains the trigger app which is either Prefinery, a Zapier tool, or your 3rd-party tool. This step listens for the event you set (e.g. user created in Prefinery) and receives the data from the trigger app. 
  • Action step: Contains the action app which can be Prefinery, Zapier tools or 3rd-party tools. These apps have action events (e.g. add user as subscriber in MailChimp) which makes use of the data provided by the trigger step. 

A Zapier zap can support more than one action step and allows you to build action steps within an action step (called a  Path) so you can string together different actions based on that single trigger event. 

Integrate using Zapier


Make is a good Zapier alternative which works more or less the same. It has a distinctive diagram-like user interface and slightly different way of setting up integrations compared to others. 

Unlike the Zapier integration, Make has no native support for actions to send data from other apps to your Prefinery campaign (e.g. let Prefinery know that a referred user made a purchase), but you can create your own custom actions using the Prefinery API

  • Scenario: What your Make integration is called. 
  • Modules: The parts of a scenario. Some modules can only be placed in between or after other modules, and others can only be placed at the beginning of the scenario. 
  • Webhooks Module: This is your scenario's starting module which listens for the event in your Prefinery campaign via webhook (e.g. user created) and receives corresponding data. 
  • Routes: Connects one module to another to allow data to cross. 

What sets Make from other integration tools is the ability to create a massive branching scenario making complex, multi-app workflows possible without the need for multiple scenarios. 

Integrate using Make

Pabbly Connect

Pabbly Connect is a newer integration platform that boasts ease-of-use though directly supports a lesser number of apps compared to the more popular Zapier and Make. 

Prefinery has both native integration and webhook support with Pabbly Connect to send data from Prefinery to other apps. Like the Zapier integration, there is a Prefinery action step you can use to send data from other apps to your campaign to, for example, let Prefinery know that a referred user made a purchase which can trigger a reward. You can also create your own custom actions (send data to your Prefinery campaign) using the Prefinery API

  • Workflow: What your Pabbly Connect integration is called. 
  • Steps: The parts of a workflow. 
  • Trigger step (Prefinery or Webhook): This is where you'll setup the webhook to listen for the event in your Prefinery campaign (e.g. user created) and receive corresponding data. 
  • Action step (Prefinery or any other supported 3rd-party service): Contains the action app (e.g. Prefinery, Tango Card, Google Sheets, etc.). These apps have action events (e.g. trigger reward in Prefinery, send Tango gift card to the user, etc.) which makes use of the data provided by the trigger step. 

A Pabbly Connect workflow can support multiple action steps. 

Integrate using Pabbly Connect


Integrately is a lot like Pabbly Connect when it comes to features and limited number of supported integrations, only differing in user interface like with their the automation/workflow builder.  

Prefinery has both native integration and webhook support with Integrately to send data from Prefinery to other apps. Like the Zapier integration, there is a Prefinery action step you can use to send data from other apps to your campaign to, for example, let Prefinery know that a referred user made a purchase which can trigger a reward. You can also create your own custom actions (send data to your Prefinery campaign) using the Prefinery API

  • Automation: What your Integrately integration is called. 
  • Apps: The parts of an automation. Some apps can only be placed in between or after other apps, and others can only be placed at the start of an automation. Integrately has support for both Prefinery triggers and actions. 

An Integrately automation can support multiple apps. 

Integrate using Integrately

Sync Spider

Sync Spider focuses on eCommerce-specific integrations with tools and apps that other integration services may not have native support. 

Unlike the Zapier integration, there is no native support for actions to send data from other apps to your campaign (e.g. let Prefinery know that a referred user made a purchase), but you can create your own custom actions using the Prefinery API

  • Task: What your Sync Spider automation is called. 
  • Integrations: The parts of a task. Target integrations can only be placed in between or after other integrations, while a Source integration is always the start of the task. 
  • Source integration (Prefinery): This is your task's starting integration which listens for the event in your Prefinery campaign via webhook (e.g. user created) and receives corresponding data. 

A Sync Spider task can support multiple integrations. 

Integrate using Sync Spider


Segment is a customer data management and analytics solution and differs from all other options here due to how it is used - data aggregation. 

Unlike the Zapier integration, Segment has no option to send data from other apps to your Prefinery campaign. For example, it is not possible to let Prefinery know that a user has performed an action outside of Prefinery (such as made a purchase). 

  • Connection: What your Segment automation is called. 
  • Source (Prefinery): With Segment installed on your Prefinery campaign, user activity like form page view and submission are tracked. 
  • Destination (supported 3rd-party service): In a Segment connection, data from a source is sent to a destination. 

A Segment connection can only support one source and one destination, but you can have more than one connection with the same source and different destinations. 

Integrate using Segment


Webhooks are a way that Prefinery can send automated information to other apps. The other app you want to integrate Prefinery with provides what's called a webhook URL/link which you use in Prefinery to send data through it (towards the other app) when an event happens in the campaign. 

When a webhook event happens (e.g. a new user signs up), data about that event like the user's email address and status is sent through the 3rd-party app's webhook URL. The connected app can then use that data to perform an action on its end. 

Here's a real world example: when a user signs up on your campaign (this is the event), Prefinery POSTs or sends relevant data about that event through the Slack's webhook URL so a new message in a Slack channel is posted which can information about the new user. 

LEARN MORE ABOUT using Webhooks

JavaScript Integrations

Like how you can use our JavaScript Web API to integrate Prefinery with your own form and send data to your Prefinery campaign when the form is submitted, you can also do it the other way around where you can send data to a 3rd-party app when your Prefinery form is submitted. 

Prefinery provides you the ability to easily run custom code or scripts when using Prefinery signup form. This is particularly useful for integrating 3rd-party analytics services with your campaigns, but can also be used for simply sending submitted data to other types of apps. 

When a new user signs up through your Prefinery form which gets them added to your campaign, a script - which is written to capture submitted data and send it to a 3rd-party service - is executed. This is common behavior for analytics tracking scripts, but the functionality also extends to other usage types like integrating with non-analytics services supporting or requiring this kind of integration.

LEARN MORE ABOUT running JS on form submit

Other Native Integrations

Besides Zapier, Prefinery also natively supports integrations with the following services: 

  • Google Analytics: Track events and pageviews. 
  • Facebook Pixel: Track events and pageviews. 
  • Mailchimp: When users submit your Prefinery signup form, they get added to your Mailchimp list
  • Typeform: When users submit your Prefinery signup form, they get redirected to your pre-filled (with name & email address) Typeform.
  • Google Forms: When users submit your Prefinery signup form, they get redirected to your pre-filled (with name & email address) Google Form.
  • Slack: Get notified in your Slack channel when users are added, modified or deleted from Prefinery.
  • SpeechifAI: Integration with SpeechifAI helps your users share their referral links with compelling captions and graphics across all social networks. 
  • Webflow: Hook up your own custom Webflow form to your Prefinery campaign.
  • Wix: Hook up your own custom Wix form to your Prefinery campaign.
  • Shopify: Automatically record new Shopify customers as referrals.
  • WooCommerce: Automatically record new WooCommerce customers as referrals.
  • ThriveCart: Automatically record new ThriveCart customers as referrals.

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