How to use Make with Prefinery

Prefinery has native integration support with different apps, and for more complex integrations you can use Zapier and Webhooks. You can even run your own scripts to capture submitted data. 

Much like Zapier, Integrately, Pabbly Connect and Sync Spider, Make is an online integration platform that allows you to automate processes between two or more services.

Using Make's Supported Prefinery Triggers

Make provides native support for different Prefinery modules you can use as your scenario's trigger. A scenario is Make's term of an automation flow. 

Note: The last time we checked, there's currently no Make support for Prefinery action modules (e.g. trigger rewards) unlike Zapier. If you must use Make and need it to make changes to your Prefinery project, you can still use the Prefinery API with Make's HTTP module as described here: How to use the Prefinery API with No-code Automation Tools

To create a scenario/automation in Make using a Prefinery trigger, here's how: 


From your Make dashboard, click on the Create a new scenario button. 


In the new scenario editor, click on the big plus (+) button and set "Prefinery" as your first module. 

Then, select the Prefinery trigger you want to use. As an example for this guide, we're selecting "Watch Applied User". 

A webhook widget will appear. Click on Add, set your preferred name for this webhook, then hit Save on that overlay. Then, copy the auto-generated webhook address to clipboard. Don't close this tab/window yet. 


In a new/separate tab/window, on your Prefinery project dashboard, go to Integrations > Webhooks and click on Add Endpoint

Paste in the copied Make Webhook URL into the provided input box, then set Events to "User Applied (completed opt-in confirmation)". Click Add when done. Don't close this tab/window yet. 


Back in Make, click OK on the Prefinery module widget. 

Then, setup and connect your action modules (where you want to send Prefinery data to). As an example for this guide, we're sending data (information about the new user) to a Google Sheet. 

Once your action modules are setup and properly mapped, to test things before activating (turning on) your scenario, click on Run once

The Log box that appears will show you that the scenario is now waiting for data (from Prefinery). 


Back in Prefinery and still in Integrations > Webhooks, click on the Test button for the Make endpoint you added from step #3. A green success box will briefly display indicating a successful sending of a test webhook to Make. 


Back in the Make scenario editor, you'll find a message in the Log telling you that "the scenario run was completed". 

We recommend still checking the test output on your connected module apps (e.g. check if the newly added row in Google Sheets is the correct information you were expecting) to make sure everything's end on their end. 

Once everything's good, click Save then turn ON the scenario. 

Using Prefinery Webhooks with Make

While Make offers native webhook support for a lot of Prefinery events, there are 3 that it doesn't last time we checked namely when a user is invited, when a user is rejected, and when a user is activated. 

Not to worry though, with both Prefinery's and Make's native webhook support, you can still setup those unsupported events as triggers in Make. 

Here's how: 


In your Make dashboard, click on Create a new scenario at the upper-right corner. 


Search for Webhooks as the service you want to integrate, select it then Continue


Now in the Scenario Editor, click on the Webhooks module. 

Select the  Custom webhook trigger. 

In the trigger setup, click on Add, enter your preferred Webhook name (perhaps the name of the event that you want to capture in Prefinery), then hit Save

Click on the Copy address to clipboard button to copy Make's webhook URL. Don't close this tab/window yet. 


In your Prefinery project dashboard, follow our guide on using webhooks to add Make's webhook URL. 

After adding the webhook URL, click on its Test button to confirm that you've added it properly. 

If all's good, a notification message will appear telling you that Make returned a response code of HTTP 200 which means you're pretty much set from Prefinery's end. 


Back in the Make Scenario Editor, you'll find a  Successfully determined message on the webhook trigger modal confirming that the connection was a success. 

Your Prefinery trigger via Webhook module is all set! Click on  OK to proceed with setting up the rest of your scenario. 

Note: While our integration options provide you with lots of information you can send to a connected 3rd-party service, it is NOT recommended to sync the waitlist/leaderboard position to other systems. 

To learn more about how Prefinery handles webhooks and what data you can pass through it, please refer to: How to use webhooks?

Want to know which apps you can integrate Prefinery with using Make? Check them out here: Make Webhooks integrations

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