How to Reset Project Analytics

IMPORTANT: Doing any of the following will result into the corresponding data being permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Performed actions are immediate and permanent. There is no going back. 

Prefinery's built-in analytics feature allows you to keep track of your campaign's progress which includes engagement (shares, impressions, signups, referrals), email stats, and demographics. 

After setting up your project and/or doing some testing, prior to taking it live you may want to reset your project analytics for a clean start. Perhaps the project is already live but you just want to selectively delete specific stats. 

Either way, Prefinery allows you to reset project stats by deleting current data through the DANGER ZONE which you can access via Settings of your project dashboard. 

BEFORE YOU PROCEED: Doing any of the following will result into the corresponding data being permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Performed actions are immediate and permanent. There is no going back. 

Reset Form Impressions

A form impression means a unique page view of the Prefinery signup form when it's loaded for the visitor. 

If the user visits a page on your website and the form is loaded in for the first time to them (either embedded or when you click the popup button/link), that counts as 1 form impression. Refreshing the page, or going into another page where the same form is embedded at will not register as additional impressions as we use cookies to ensure uniqueness of the impression event for each user. 

Click on the Delete Impressions button to permanently reset form impressions on your project. 

Reset Shares

When a user clicks on a referral link and lands on the page that link is pointing at, a share is recorded and attributed to the referrer (owner of the referral link). 

Click on the Delete Shares button to permanently reset shares on your project users. 

Reset Referrals

When a user clicks on a referral link, lands on the page that link is pointing at, and subsequently signs up to join the campaign, a referral is recorded and attribute to the referrer (owner of the referral link). 

Click on the Delete Referrals button to permanently reset referrals on your project users. 

Delete Queued Emails

When an email is triggered for a user, it get added to the delivery queue for sending. If a delay was set for the email message, the email stays in queue and only sent once the delay elapses and if delivery conditions are met. You can learn more about email delivery with Prefinery here.

While you can delete queued emails (emails that are yet to be sent to users e.g. delayed emails),  email stats (total sent, opens, clicks, bounces, spam, unsubscribes) are permanent and cannot be cleared as they retain deliverability history.

Click on the Delete Queued Emails button to permanently clear out queued emails in your project so they will no longer be sent. 

Delete Users

The majority of your project analytics is comprised of user data especially engagement and demographics metrics. 

IMPORTANT: Doing the following will result into user data being permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. This action is immediate and permanent. There is no going back. Make sure to export your project users via Users > Action > Export in your project dashboard if you need to use them for another project or purpose. 

To clear such data, you can delete the users in your project through the Users page in your project dashboard and using Action > Delete (by not selecting any user, this action will delete all users in the project). 

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