Add an Unsubscribe Link

Every non-transactional, marketing email sent through Prefinery is required by law to include an unsubscribe link. To help you remain compliant, our {{ unsubscribe_url }} tag automatically generates the link for you. Most Prefinery email layouts include this tag by default, but sometimes you may need to add one manually.

In this article, you'll learn how to add an unsubscribe link to your email layout.

Before you start

  • To learn more about how unsubscribes work in Prefinery, check out About Unsubscribes.
  • If our system doesn't detect an {{ unsubscribe_url }} tag in your email layout, we'll add a footer that includes it.

About the unsubscribe link

When a user clicks an unsubscribe link in your email, we'll immediately unsubscribe them from future emails and display your unsubscribe confirmation page. This page assures people that they've opted out.

You can choose to redirect to your own unsubscribe confirmation page by navigating to Settings then Project Settings then Email Unsubscribe Settings in your Prefinery account.

Insert using the Visual editor

To insert the required {{ unsubscribe_url }} tag using our visual email layout editor, follow these steps:

  1. Click anywhere in a text content block to edit it.
  2. Type in the text you want to link, like "Unsubscribe" and highlight it.
  3. Click the link icon in the toolbar.
  4. Type or paste the {{ unsubscribe_url }} tag into the URL field.

Insert using the HTML editor

To insert the unsubscribe link directly into the HTML of an email layout, add the following code where you want your unsubscribe link to appear:

<a href="{{unsubscribe_url}}">Unsubscribe</a>

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