How to deliver coupon codes as part of a reward

When a user earns a reward, you can automate issuing them a coupon code. 

Delivering the same code to all users

If you're just looking to use the same coupon code for all users, you can add the code to the body of the email which is triggered when the reward is earned. 

Delivering dynamic codes using Zapier

You can use our Zapier integration to connect your Prefinery project with a 3rd-party coupon distribution service like Coupon Carrier or Coupontools who will be sending the coupon code to your users. 

These services, which also easily integrates with most e-commerce platforms, allow you to generate and deliver dynamic coupon codes through them while Prefinery manages when users would be rewarded. 

Here's a scenario: 

  • You've setup a single-sided referral reward in Prefinery for when the user refers 3 friends.
  • You've also setup a Prefinery-Coupon Carrier integration in Zapier with a trigger of "Reward Earned" and an action of "Assign a Code" or "Send a Code Email."
  • John signs up for your campaign and refers 3 friends. This triggers the "reward earned" event in Prefinery for John (as well as the "reward delivered" event if your reward is configured to be automatically marked as delivered). 
  • The event triggers the Zapier integration which results into Coupon Carrier receiving the data from Prefinery, such as John's email address to which Coupon Carrier sends a unique/unused code. 

Using Webhooks

If you do not wish to use a third-party coupon service, you would need to use Prefinery's webhooks. Webhooks allow Prefinery to let your application know when a reward is earned/delivered so that you can make an API call to your e-commerce provider (e.g. Shopify) in order to issue the unique coupon code.

Alternatively, if you do not want to set up your own server for handling Prefinery webhooks, you can use Zapier to host your webhooks instead

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