How to Personalize Emails

Prefinery offers variables in order to personalize your emails with dynamic content. The following tables outlines many of the variables available to you. 

Personalization variables should be added in the Email Message for them to work, not in the Email Layout.

Email Recipient User

The following personalization variables listed below can be used in any email trigger. They pertain to information about the user who's receiving the email message. 

Variable Description
{{}} User's e-mail address
{{user.invitation_code}} User's invitation code
{{user.first_name}} User's first name
{{user.last_name}} User's last name
{{user.referral_link}} User's unique referral link
{{msg.referral_buttons}} Social network share buttons
{{user.shares}} Number of times this user's referral link has been clicked
{{user.referrals}} Number of referrals resulting from clicks through this user's referral link
{{user.referral_status_link}} Link to user's viral referral page
{{user.waitlist_position}} User's position on the waiting list
{{user.waitlist_length}} Total number of users on the waiting list
{{user.waitlist_ahead}} Number of users ahead of this user on the waiting list
{{user.waitlist_behind}} Number of users behind this user on the waiting list
{{user.confirmation_link}} User's e-mail opt-in confirmation link
{{user.unsubscribe_link}} User's e-mail unsubscribe link
{{user.telephone}} User's phone number
{{}} User's city
{{user.state}} User's state / region
{{user.postal_code}} User's zip / postal code
{{}} User's country
{{user.locale}} User's locale (e.g. "en-US")
{{user.locale_language}} User's locale (language portion only, e.g. "en")
{{user.employer}} User's employer
{{user.jobtitle}} User's job title
{{}} User's unique Prefinery ID
{{user.custom_var1}} Custom variable 1, set via the API or on form submit
{{user.custom_var2}} Custom variable 2, set via the API or on form submit
{{user.custom_var3}} Custom variable 3, set via the API or on form submit
{{user.utm_source}} UTM source, set automatically via embedded form, or manually via API or importing.
{{user.utm_medium}} UTM medium, set automatically via embedded form, or manually via API or importing.
{{user.utm_campaign}} UTM campaign, set automatically via embedded form, or manually via API or importing.
{{user.utm_term}} UTM term, set automatically via embedded form, or manually via API or importing.
{{user.utm_content}} UTM content, set automatically via embedded form, or manually via API or importing.

Additional Variables

Depending on your email's trigger, you may have additional variables available to you. In order to see a complete list of variables that you can use in your email message, click on the Variables button at the top of the page when editing your email message.

Referral Thank You

Emails with the trigger refers a friend , which are sent when the user refers a friend, have the following additional variables available:

Variable Description
{{}} Referred user's e-mail address
{{invitee.first_name}} Referred user's first name
{{invitee.last_name}} Referred user's last name
Referred user's unique Prefinery ID

Reward Emails

Emails sent when rewards are earned have the following additional variables available:

Variable Description
{{msg.goal}} The number of referrals required to meet this goal
The reward for meeting this goal
If used in the referrer's reward email, it will display the referred friend's first name. If used in the referred friend's reward email (in the case of a double-sided reward), it will display their referrer's first name.
{{friend.last_name}} If used in the referrer's reward email, it will display the referred friend's last name. If used in the referred friend's reward email (in the case of a double-sided reward), it will display their referrer's last name.

Friend Invitation Email

Invitation request email with trigger  is invited by a friend , which is sent to a person (non-user) who is invited by an existing invited/active user via invite-a-friend method:

Variable Description
{{}} Email address of the inviter
First name of the inviter
{{sender.last_name}} Last name of the inviter
{{sender.custom_var1}} The sender's custom variable 1, set via the API or on form submit
{{sender.custom_var2}} The sender's custom variable 2, set via the API or on form submit
{{sender.custom_var3}} The sender's custom variable 3, set via the API or on form submit
{{recipient_email}} The recipient's e-mail address
{{invitation_code}} The recipient's invitation code
{{personal_message}} The personal message added by the sender

Advanced Customization

Prefinery email messages use the Liquid language. See this guide for advanced features, such as using filters and expressions.

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